INTRODUCING: A lIMITED time offer to Brain storm  with  a  winner of  the largest business competition in the world
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Serial Entrepreneur  
Davielle jackson
Davielle Jackson has business expertise  for sales , marketing and management for over 10 years Six months after opening her first company, Davielle Jackson, the award winning entrepreneur, found her self partnered with the largest retailer in the world, Walmart. She was only 26 at this time. It was at that point that she decided she wanted full control over her own life, her own destiny    and wanted to make her own money. She dropped out of medical school and is now a multi millionaire. 

Davielle is a young mogul who  empowers other entrepreneurs to turn their passion into millions.  She is family woman, business woman, author and philanthropist. Click the button to set up a 1-1 conference call with Davielle.  
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